Singapore Airlines Offers Compensation to Passengers Injured in May’s Turbulence Incident

Singapore Airlines

On the 11th of June 2024, Singapore Airlines (SIA) released the hire compensation for passengers that were involved in a severe case of t- turbulence on the flight SQ321 from London to Singapore in May and saw some passengers get injured and one die from the incident which occurred over Myanmar.

Understanding the Incident: Singapore Airlines Turbulence

SQ 321; Boeing 777 was a Singapore Airlines flight that encountered Singapore Air turbulence of an outstanding degree on 20 May 2024, at the time when the aircraft was flying through the Irrawaddy basin in Myanmar. The first was a stomach-churning plunge of more than 4,000ft in under a minute followed by even sharper movement, which tossed objects and some passengers around the airplane.

The incident resulted in the following: The incident resulted in the following:

  • A sad occasion happened when a 73-year-old English man was accounted for dead. It was thought that he experienced a respiratory failure inferable from the choppiness.
  • North of thirty travelers were supposedly harmed, a few of whom were taken to a medical clinic for additional therapy.
  • It emergency landed in Bangkok, Thailand during the flight.

After the said event, Singapore’s Transport Ministry began inquiries on the matter. According to them, it can be inferred that because of the free fall motion or tumbling dive. Anyone not wearing a seat belt would probably be flying inside the cabin before they are thrown again into the seats by a forceful impact that causes injuries.

Compensation for Passengers Affected by Singapore Airlines Turbulence

Following this incident, Singapore Airlines stated that they would offer flight reinstatement and compensation for SQ321 passengers. Here’s a breakdown of the compensation offered: Here’s a breakdown of the compensation offered:

  • Passengers with minor injuries: Paid a fixed amount equal to USD 10,000 for sunnating their work.
  • Passengers with serious injuries: SIA also said that it was willing to negotiate on individual remunerative dues that may vary depending on the circumstances of the claimant and the degree of disability suffered. Such discourse will take place after passengers are stable enough to converse with those around them.
  • Passengers who require immediate financial assistance due to serious injuries requiring long-term medical care: Offered an advance payment of USD 25,000. This amount will be considered part of any final settlement.

It’s important to note that these are the initial compensation offers announced by Singapore Airlines. Travelers with wounds are encouraged to contact SIA’s cases division to talk about their particular circumstances and remuneration subtleties.

Steps to Take if You Were Affected by the Singapore Airlines Turbulence Incident

  1. Seek Medical Attention: In the event that you haven’t as of now, guarantee you get legitimate clinical consideration for any wounds supported during the flight.
  2. Document Everything: Keep duplicates of every hospital expense, receipts, and some other documentation connected with your wounds.
  3. Contact Singapore Airlines: Contact Singapore Carriers’ cases division to start the remuneration cycle. You can track down contact data on the Singapore Carriers site or by calling their client support hotline.
  4. Keep Records of Communication: Keep a record of all correspondence with Singapore Carriers in regards to your pay guarantee. This incorporates messages, call logs, and any composed correspondence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding the Singapore Airlines Turbulence Incident

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the Singapore Airlines turbulence incident and the compensation process:

  • What if my injuries were not diagnosed immediately after the flight? You can in any case document a case with Singapore Carriers regardless of whether your wounds were not analyzed immediately. Make certain to accumulate any documentation connected with your inevitable determination and treatment.
  • Do I need a lawyer to file a claim for compensation? It’s not obligatory to have a legal counselor to document a case. In any case, assuming that the degree of your wounds is critical, or the pay conversations become mind boggling, counseling an avionics lawyer may be useful.
  • What is the deadline to file a claim for compensation? Singapore Carriers have not yet declared a cutoff time for documenting claims. It’s ideal to reach them at the earliest opportunity to start the interaction.

Singapore Airlines’ Response and Policy Changes

Following the Singapore Airlines turbulence incident, the airline has taken several steps:

  • Compensation: As referenced prior, Singapore Aircrafts has offered pay bundles to travelers who were harmed.
  • Revised Seatbelt Policy: The carrier has executed a stricter safety belt strategy. Feast administration will never again be given when the safety belt sign is enlightened.
  • Flight Path Adjustments: SIA might change flight ways to keep away from regions with a high gamble of disturbance.


The Singapore Carriers choppiness episode on SQ321 was a shocking occasion. While remuneration can’t eradicate the misfortune or the physical and close-to-home cost for harmed travelers. It can assist with mitigating a portion of the monetary weight related to the episode. We energize anybody impacted by the disturbance to look for clinical consideration, archive their encounters.

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